See how to work with Daylight and the Mental Ray rendering engine in 3ds Max 2010. Whether you're new to Autodesk's popular modeling software or a seasoned 3D artist just looking to better acquaint yo ...
Creating wires, cords, and other rope-like objects in 3D Studio MAX can be tough, as they are oddly proportioned and often oddly positioned. This two-part video will show you how to model such objects ...
There are a lot of videos out there about creating models and animating them using 3D Studio MAX. What isn't often discussed is the next step in creating a movie out of your models, adding sound and s ...
When people fire weapons in movies, there is often a shot of the shell-casings leaving the gun and flying through the air. Sometimes we get to follow them all the way to the ground, leaving us with a ...
Working with particle flow in 3DS MAX allows you to create all sorts of awesome effects, including swarms of small characters or, in this case, realistic liquids. Specifically, this video series will ...
Destroying crowds of little people has been a favorite passtime of dictators since time immemorial, but also a colossal waste of manpower. Now you can get some of the same thrill without all the needl ...
Do you work with 3D graphics? Have you ever wanted to have one character that you've modeled destroy hordes of tiny other characters you've made? Well want no more. This video series will show you how ...
Cloth is an essential part of almost any 3D modeling project involving people. This video will show you how to properly use the cloth modifier in 3D Studio MAX to create the waving, tarnished American ...
Making a spaceship use its afterburner and escape from the Earth's gravitational pull is tough. Modeling and animating a 3D simulation of the same thing is also hard, although quite as much so. This v ...